Investment Day organisé par Finance Innovation aura lieu le mardi 4 juillet 2023 pour une journée de conférence, tables rondes, keynotes, échanges et networking.
Finance Innovation accompagne dans sa croissance un large panel de Fintech / Insurtech / Regtech & AMtechs qui sont en capacité de couvrir les besoins des Asset Managers, Investisseurs institutionnels, tant en termes métiers que réglementaires.
Paris Europlace gathers more than 600 players in the financial ecosystem – banks, insurance companies, asset managers, brokers, fintechs, industrial and commercial companies, consulting firms, law firms, regulatory and public authorities… : a unique network to bring together all the stakeholders of the Paris financial center and discuss their priorities. Paris Europlace promotes the Paris financial center in France and globally in order to foster its development in all its dimensions. With its committees and working groups gathering the best professionals, the association defines market participants positions and promotes them to public authorities and other stakeholders in France, Europe and internationally.